Chapter I "Just a dream"
Medical record. Patient № ███
Mr. Kirk Blossom. Character and personal relations: friends and relatives - none.
Patient suffers from evident cognitive disorders. Persistent delusions. Medication promised no success. As the chief doctor I decided to perform craniotomy in order to locate the problem on the patient's cerebral cortex.
End of record.
  Chapter II "Illusionarium"
Record №31.
Visual cerebral cortex examination showed no irregularities, nevertheless I decided to inject the patient's prefrontal cortex with agents: █-███-███
Doctor: Klauf Minger.
15 September 1953.
  Chapter III "At the doctor's"
Amazing! The patient is still fully conscious, capable of moving and even managed to escape the secure floor! Agent injection experiment is a complete success. Keep the patient under 24-hour observation. The agent's potential is doubtless. I consider injection of serum № ████ necessary in the next stage…
End of record.
  Chapter IV "Escape"
I'm worried. The patient is experiencing hallucinations, although they are not the cause of my disturbance. Uncontrollable psy-activity rate has multiplied. This psychic anomaly only unfolds under great stress. I'm not certain that the patient's brain will survive the therapy.
End of record.
  ​Chapter V "Wrong medicine"
Due to patient's uncontrollable actions a decision to check maximal rate of psy-activity has been taken. Shock therapy has been chosen to generate stress.
N/B: lethal outcome probability - 100%.
End of record.
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